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Santa Ana Winds Wreak Havoc Across Southern California, Toppling Disneyland Light Pole

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Strong Santa Ana winds have been blowing across Southern California over the past couple of days, causing issues across the region.

At Disneyland, the winds led to a scary situation when a light pole at the entrance to Main Street, U.S.A. toppled over onto some park guests. Three people were hurt, with one requiring hospitalization for the injuries. It was undoubtedly a frightening scene for visitors who expected a cheerful day at the

Happiest Place on Earth.

Weather officials had warned that these dry offshore winds could be dangerous. Traffic was disrupted in some areas as guests blew over big rigs on highways, and dust storms reduced visibility.

The strength of the winds, with some gusts reaching up to 60 mph, has been able to uproot trees and knock down power lines in both residential and commercial areas.



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