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Extreme Weather Survival Gardens for Unpredictable Climate Conditions

Jennifer Gaeng

11 hours ago
Learn how to build a survival garden that thrives in drought, floods, heatwaves, and cold snaps. Discover tough, weather-resistant plants and smart gardening strategies to adapt to climate extremes.
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As climate trends become increasingly unpredictable, standard gardening tips need a reboot. Record-breaking heat waves and record-breaking cold waves, flooding rains, and long-lasting droughts have come to be the new standard in most regions (2). For those who wish to grow food despite these adversities, the concept of an extreme weather survival garden offers a optimistic prospect.

Creating Resilience Through Diversity

The secret to any weather-hardy garden is diversity— species of plants, growing strategies, water control, and cover. In contrast to conventional gardens which might seek to produce the best of a couple of crops one likes, survival gardens prioritize toughness and long-term production no matter what the weather.

Monoculture system is typically the first to fall victim to bad weather. If you put all your effort into a single crop or single system of cultivation, you're actually taking a risk that conditions will favor that approach.

Instead, survival gardens utilize:



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