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Widespread Severe Weather Threat Bearing Down on Central U.S.

3 weeks ago
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Forecasters have been warning since last week about the likelihood of a potential severe weather event later this week. The Central U.S. weather forecast is coming into sharper focus with meteorologists now predicting that it could end up as the most widespread severe weather outbreak thus far in 2024.

Here is what you need to know about the latest details of this impending threat.

Multi-Day Severe Weather Taking Aim at a Dozen States

About a dozen states in the central portions of the U.S. will be in the crosshairs for a multi-day storm event that is predicted to begin on Thursday and linger through the weather this weekend. The weather maker will usher in a variety of threats, including strong winds and large hailstorm. Forecasters are warning that this storm system could pose risks to both lives and property.

Two storms that originated in the Pacific Ocean are set to push to the east on Wednesday, bringing up moisture from the Gulf of Mexico just as the mercury starts to trend upward across the central U.S. The combination of all of these factors will lay the groundwork for the storms to ignite.

The storm cells will meander across different areas on each day however, the general impacts will remain the same. In addition to the heavy rain, hailstorm, and powerful winds, there is also the chance of tornadoes spinning up from all of this circulating energy in place.

Some areas could see the storms hang around for a few days while others will escape with a quick hit that moves on at a fast clip.



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