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Widespread Severe Weather Impacts in Store for the Nation's Heartland

Alexis Thornton

3 hours ago
A major severe weather outbreak is taking shape across the central U.S., with the risk of tornadoes, damaging winds, and heavy rain by the end of the week. Stay informed as forecasts evolve.

All of the ingredients are coming together to support a widespread severe weather outbreak across the central U.S. by the end of this week. Here is a look at what forecasters are saying could be the most significant line of storms to form thus far this year.

Severe Weather Outbreak Looking for the Central U.S. and Beyond

The end of the week is shaping up to be a rocky time for much of the nation's heartland. It will feel like spring across this part of the U.S. this week thanks to the influx of warmer temperatures. The mercury is expected to hover 10 to 20 degrees above the historical norm for much of the week. This warmth will pair with energy coming over from the western U.S. to fuel the development of severe thunderstorms and all of the associated impacts.

While the exact timing and location of the storm activity may shift in the days ahead, the current forecast models indicate that the greatest chance of severe weather this week will be on Friday and Saturday. An area from the Great Plains and over to Mississippi Valley is looking to be the primary zone of impact.



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