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What Your Pet Knows About Weather That You Don't

Jennifer Gaeng

17 hours ago
Ever noticed your pet acting strange before a storm? Discover how animals detect weather changes, from barometric pressure shifts to scent-based clues, and learn how to help them cope with their sensitivities. | Adobe Stock

Ever catch your cat or dog acting strange before a storm? That restlessness, clinginess, or refusal to venture outdoors isn't coincidental - your pet may be reacting to weather shifts you're not yet aware of. Most animals have sensory abilities that provide them with a meteorological advantage over their human counterparts, enabling them to sense atmospheric shifts long before we can detect anything out of the ordinary (1).

How Animals Detect Weather Changes

Our animals perceive the world in more sensitive manners, enabling them to make wonderful observations about approaching weather patterns.

The Barometric Pressure Connection:

Animals can sense small shifts in barometric pressure due to their sensitive ear structures, sinuses, and balance systems. This heightened awareness often leads to restlessness or discomfort before storms. | Adobe Stock



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