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What You Should and Shouldn't Put in the Recycling Bin

Kit Kittlestad

2 months ago
Credit: Adobe Stock

While it’s often debated these days, the general consensus is that recycling is a worthwhile endeavor. Although not everything we attempt to recycle will be recycled, when all goes according to plan, it can save energy and water, and reduce air and water pollution. 

The trouble is, when improper materials are placed in a recycling bin and sent to recycling centers, it can have an adverse effect on the whole process. 

Known as recycling contamination, the inclusion of improper materials can increase the cost of the process and reduce the recyclability of some of the accepted materials.  

Can That Go in the Recycling Bin?

That’s why it’s important to know before you go. Understanding what can and can’t be recycled will save you and the employees at your local center a bit of time and stress. 



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