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What To Know About Tornadoes and How To Prepare for Severe Storms

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Although tornadoes are more common from April through June, they can occur at any time of the year throughout the United States. Understanding when severe weather is more prevalent in your region and how to prepare for a tornado can keep you safe in the event of a storm.

When Is Tornado Season?

The period during which tornadoes occur most often depends on the area of the United States. For the Southern Plains, including Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, tornadoes are more frequent from early May to late June. Along the Gulf Coast, tornado season starts in early spring.

For Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and other Midwestern states, peak tornado season is usually during the summer. While these are general guidelines, tornadoes can happen at any time of the year. For example, in October 2023, central Nebraska spotted five tornadoes during a severe thunderstorm. In this same month, Florida had been advised to prepare for possible nocturnal tornadoes during a storm.

Which Months Are the Worst for Tornadoes?



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