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What is Sun Damage and How to Tell the Signs

Kit Kittlestad

6 months ago
Adobe Stock

Sunlight is essential to our overall well-being. Sun damage, however, is not. The trick is to find the right balance because sunlight provides energy and helps our bodies produce vitamin D. 

Too much exposure, however, can lead to harmful effects on the skin, including short-term and long-term damage. Understanding these effects, spotting the early signs of damage, and implementing preventative measures are the best ways to strike that healthy balance. 

Recognizing Sun Damage

Spotting sun damage on your face is fairly easy. We’ve all had a sunburn or two when we forgot to reapply sunscreen. But, since there’s no way to learn how to reverse sun damage, it’s important to see the signs before they culminate into something far worse. 

In answer to, “What does sun damage look like?,” here are some of the telltale signs: 



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