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Skin Care

Weather and Eczema: When Weather Makes Skin Flare

Jennifer Gaeng

5 hours ago
Adobe Stock

Anyone who has eczema knows what it's like to monitor weather forecasts. Those red, itchy patches have a tendency to follow the seasons, temperature, and humidity. For the millions of individuals plagued by this chronic skin condition, weather is never just a matter of whether or not to tote an umbrella – it's an issue of trying to predict when their skin will flare.

The Weather-Skin Connection

While eczema triggers vary widely between individuals, weather consistently ranks among the most common environmental factors affecting flare-ups. The skin's natural barrier function, already compromised in people with eczema, faces additional challenges when weather conditions change rapidly or reach extremes.

These climatic changes affect the skin's ability to retain moisture and protect itself properly. When this delicate system fails, the immune system responds with inflammation – the itchy, painful hallmark of an eczema flare.

Winter Woes



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