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Understanding Why Your Fall Allergies Are Worse This Year

Alexis Thornton

3 weeks ago
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You are not imagining it if it feels like your fall allergy symptoms are getting worse each year. The impacts of climate change are causing an increase in fall allergies across the globe. Here is a deeper look at what causes fall allergies and tips for controlling this nuisance.

What Types of Allergies Are Most Common in the Fall?

Most people associate allergy season with the spring months when plants are in bloom. However, fall allergies can be just as common in the U.S.

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Ragweed pollen is one of the most prolific triggers of fall allergies. You will find the tall ragweed plant in both cities and rural areas in almost every state in the U.S. However, it tends to be the most prevalent in the Midwest and on the East Coast. It only takes one ragweed plant to release up to one billion grains of the aggravating pollen. The release of this pollen then aggravates the sinuses of people in its path.

This pollen is released between August and November throughout the country. Ragweed pollen counts are most typically at their peak in the middle of September, meaning that many areas are just coming down from the surge.

Mold is another likely trigger for allergies during the fall months. Molds thrive in moist environments, meaning that fallen leaves support the development of their growth. As a result, you can expect to see these allergies hit their stride during the latter part of the season.



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