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Tuesday Storm Forecast to Bring Powerful Winds to the Central U.S.

2 weeks ago
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The powerful winds will not let up across the central U.S. with more gusty conditions in store for the Great Plains during a Tuesday storm. These powerful winds will increase the risk of property damage, power outages, and wildfires across the region.

Here is what you need to know about the anticipated windy conditions.

Tuesday Storm Will Usher in Potentially Dangerous Winds

A minimum of a half of a million square miles across the nation's heartland will be at risk of dangers of wind through Tuesday afternoon weather. The winds are the result of a strengthening storm system in this part of the country. The stiff winds from the south will first serve as fuel for thunderstorm development.

However, the potent winds are expected to stick around even after the threat of storms has passed.

Over a dozen states should prepare for these winds as a mass of drier air pushes in behind the storms. The states at risk of seeing the high winds include Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota.

Gusts ranging between 40 and 60 mph are in the forecast with some speeds potentially eclipsing these predictions. The potent crosswinds generated by this system could create dangerous travel conditions on open roads. Airplanes may also encounter difficulties when taking off and landing, leading to some flight delays.

In addition to creating travel disruptions, dangers of wind of this magnitude can break utility polls, bring down power lines, damage roofs and other pieces of property, and turn loose objects into projectiles. These potential dangers make it important to stay vigilant as the winds approach.



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