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Tree Pollen and Grass Pollen and Ragweed, Oh My!

Alexis Thornton

3 days ago
Adobe Stock

You are not alone if you are noticing that you are sniffling and sneezing a bit more. Pollen levels are beginning to increase across the U.S. as the spring season hits full swing. Here is a look at what the experts are saying that you should expect for the upcoming allergy season.

Allergy Season Ramping Up Across the U.S.

Allergy season is ramping up across most of the country just in time for the official start of the astronomical spring. About 25% of American adults deal with seasonal allergies each year with roughly one in five children experiencing this nuisance.

The primary allergens in the U.S. are ragweed, trees, and grass. Each of these allergen's peaks at a different time of the year, spreading out the misery. Additionally, every region also experiences a different degree of allergy season depending on a number of environmental factors.

Tree Pollen



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