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Summer Sizzle | Is Sweating Good For You?

Kit Kittlestad

7 months ago
Adobe Stock

If you’ve ever wondered about the benefits of exercise, it’s not just about the release of endorphins. The pervasive benefits of sweat offer a host of other benefits, as well. 

The short answer to, “Is sweating good for you?” is yes – with a few stipulations. As with all things, moderation is key. 

Is Sweating Good For You?

While the aftereffects of sweating can be troublesome, it’s still a natural process that perfectly aligns with a healthfully functioning system. One of the primary benefits of sweating is keeping our internal body temperature regulated. 

Surprisingly, it also achieves many other wonderful things, including a boost to the immune system and a promotion of healthy-looking skin. Let’s dive in. 



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