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Summer Heat Got You Sweating?

Alexis Thornton

4 months ago

Key Takeaways

  • With summertime highs setting in, there are plenty of ways to regulate your body temperature.

  • The first and most important element is to remain hydrated.

  • In keeping with proper hydration levels, it’s also best to limit alcohol intake.

  • Wearing cool, breathable cotton can absorb some of the sweat as your body seeks to release its heat.

  • Eating light meals with high water content may also help you stay hydrated all season long.

Discover the Best Ways to Beat the Summer Heat

We often correlate the winter with hibernation. But, if you live in a tropical climate, sometimes you might find yourself burrowing in the comfort of your home to remain relaxed.

When it comes to the summer heat, it’s easy to find unique ways to ride the wave. Outside of sitting in air conditioning the whole time, there are plenty of ways to embrace the warmth of the sun while avoiding potential dangers like heat exhaustion or sun poisoning.



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