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Storms Tracking Through the Central U.S. Throughout the Week

Alexis Thornton

7 months ago
Heavy rain | Adobe Stock

The stormy week is marching on across the central U.S. with forecasters warning that Wednesday could be the most dangerous day yet. Here is a look at what you can expect in the coming days in the nation's heartland.

Stormy Weather Pattern the Story for the Central U.S. This Week

The end of July and the beginning of August is packing quite a punch for the central portions of the country. A large swath from the Dakotas and down into Kentucky and Tennessee continue to be in the crosshairs for repeated rounds of thunderstorms that are stretching for hundreds of miles.

While some communities will dodge the storms completely, other areas could see the severe weather pile up on consecutive days and even in the period of just a few hours. For example, Des Moines saw two rounds of storms roll in on Tuesday morning. The first round hit right before sunrise, packing winds of nearly 60 mph. Another shot of severe weather tracked through the city in central Iowa during the middle of the day with winds that were nearly as strong.

The storms continued to rumble through the evening hours on Tuesday, expanding across an impact zone of about 80 million Americans in the northern Plains and the Midwest. The line of storms delivered high winds and heavy rain, serving as an appetizer of what is on tap for Wednesday.

Approaching Derecho | Adobe Stock

Forecasters Warn of Potential of Derecho on Wednesday



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