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Southeast in Store for Soaker of a Weekend That Will Linger

Alexis Thornton

3 months ago

The good news is that relief from the ongoing drought across the Southeast is on the way. The bad news is that this relief will come in the form of persistent rain showers and thunderstorms that could disrupt outdoor plans and present other dangers. Here is a look at this soggy forecast for this corner of the country.

Wet Weather Pattern for Next Several Days for the Southeast

While the Midwest and the Northeast are enjoying cooler temperatures, drier conditions, and falling humidity levels, the southeastern U.S. is in the middle of a wet weather pattern that is expected to linger through most of next week as well. Although the persistent surge of moisture is a nuisance, the cloud cover is also working to put a lid on the rising temperatures in the Southeast. Temperatures are predicted to trend a few degrees below the historical average for this time in July with widespread highs topping out in the 80s compared to the usual readings in the low to mid 90s.

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The bulk of the Southeast will also keep the humidity around compared to the drier air mass circulating over the Midwest and the Northeast. The only parts of the region likely to get in on the lower humidity levels will be the lower portions of the mid-Atlantic coast and the southern Appalachians.

Humidity levels are predicted to climb even higher next week as the moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and the southwestern corner of the Atlantic Ocean will make its way up to the southeastern U.S. This influx of moisture-rich air will also lay the groundwork for an uptick in rain showers and thunderstorms capable of producing heavy downpours at times.



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