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Severe Weather

Northeast Weather Forecast Calls For More Severe Storms

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Key Takeaways

  • A storm system moving east from the Midwest will bring severe weather threats to parts of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday.

  • Some areas at risk include Pennsylvania, upstate New York, Maryland, New Jersey, West Virginia, and Virginia.

  • Places north of the warm front, like Boston, are unlikely to see storms due to cooler temperatures.

  • Western Pennsylvania and the Ohio Valley could experience record-breaking rainfall, raising concerns about river flooding.

Early Week Northeast Weather Forecast

It has been a nice stretch of warm and dry days for the Northeast. That pattern is about to change with the arrival of a disturbance that will bring the risk of severe weather for this corner of the country. Here is a look at what you can expect with this shift in the weather.

More Storms on Deck for Parts of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic



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