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How to Defend Yourself During a Bear Attack

Kit Kittlestad

4 months ago
Black Bear sees people walking on trail and stands up on hind feet for a better look before returning to forest | Adobe Stock

Exploring the wilderness is one of the best parts of life, but the prospect of encountering a bear can be downright terrifying. While bear attacks are rare, it's important to know what to do in the unlikely event that you come face-to-face with one. 

Knowing how to act before, during, and after an encounter can not only increase your chances of staying safe but also help protect the bears themselves. 

Here’s a friendly guide on bear safety, essential survival tips, and the reality behind bear attack statistics to equip you with confidence and know-how for your next outdoor adventure.

Bear Attack Statistics

Before we explore tips on how to stay safe, it’s worth understanding just how likely bear attacks are. Contrary to popular belief, most bears aren’t interested in attacking humans. In fact, bear attacks are incredibly rare. Here are some stats to put it into perspective:



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