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Historic El Niño May Unleash Severe Storms Across Drought-Stricken California

Alexis Thornton

Last year

California is still awaiting the start of its vital wet season, but meteorologists say the delayed rains could get a significant boost from a potentially historic El Niño event gathering strength in the Pacific Ocean.

The major winter storms that the Golden State depends on for its water supply and snowpack typically begin arriving in late fall.

So far this year, however, the wet season is off to an exceptionally dry start throughout most of California. But forecasters say the powerful El Niño climate pattern should help crank up Pacific storm activity in the weeks ahead, bringing hopes of drought relief.

There are already signs of an active pattern taking shape for late December into January.

While optimistic the state will eventually see good soaking rains, meteorologists caution that El Niño’s effects can be unpredictable. Cooler than normal waters lingering off Hawaii have so far deflected the storm track southward, missing California.



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