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Frost Protection Methods for Vineyards and Orchards

Jennifer Gaeng

14 hours ago
 Discover effective frost protection techniques for growers, from traditional methods like wind machines to high-tech solutions like drones and anti-freeze proteins.
Adobe Stock

For growers, few threats match the heartbreak of spring frost damage. In a single night's cold snap, the fruit of an entire season is destroyed, precious buds reduced to brown dead tissue overnight. As weather patterns become more unpredictable, effective protection against frost has moved from makeshift practice to standard procedure among vineyards and orchards everywhere, even in the most diverse growing regions.

Understand the Frost Hazard

Frost damage occurs when tissue temperature drops below critical levels - typically between 28-32°F depending on the crop and development stage. The most dangerous situation is not necessarily the coldest night, but a warm spell that causes early bud growth followed by a rapid freeze. This vulnerability makes frost protection especially crucial in spring when temperature fluctuations are common.

Frost damage strikes when temperatures drop below 28-32°F, but the real danger comes after a warm spell that triggers early bud growth. | Adobe Stock

Two types of frost events require different protection methods:



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