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Extreme Heat Grips Southeast Asia, Disrupting Everyday Life for Millions

Alexis Thornton

11 months ago

It has been a scorcher of a start to spring for much of Southeast Asia. The country of Vietnam was forced to declare a state of emergency as the temperatures soared, drying up the rice fields in the region.

Meanwhile, schools in the Philippines were closed as the mercury topped 107 degrees in some areas. Here is a look at the extreme heat that has gripped this part of the world over the last several days.

Mekong Delta Region Hit the Hardest by Heatwave

Southeast Asia is known as one of the most vulnerable corners of the planet to the impact of climate change. This region officially encompasses 11 counties and is home to 675 million people, including many communities that are not equipped to deal with heat of this magnitude.

The Mekong Delta encompassing Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia experienced temperatures well over the average during the first week of April. Thailand has been hit particularly hard by the heat lately.



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