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Exercising in Heat vs. Cold: How the Weather Changes Your Fitness Outcomes

Jennifer Gaeng

6 hours ago
Discover how temperature affects your performance, calorie burn, and recovery—whether you're sweating through summer or braving winter workouts. | Adobe Stock

That early morning run feels totally different in August than it does in January, and it's not simply a matter of comfort. What you do outside fundamentally alters the way your body responds to exercise; from the way it burns calories to how it recovers. Knowing these differences can help you optimize your workouts no matter what you see outside your window (1).

The Heat Effect: Uncovered Summer Workouts

Hot weather makes your body work harder—elevating heart rate, increasing sweat, and burning extra calories. | Adobe Stock

As temperature increases, your body is facing a dual task – maintain core temperature and fuel the energy demand of exercise. This creates various effects:

Increased Heart Rate, Same Effort:



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