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Can You Get Sunburned Even When it's Cloudy?

Kit Kittlestad

12 hours ago
Adobe Stock

You may already know the answer to this, if it’s ever happened to you before. You might’ve thought, “I don’t need to wear sunscreen today. Look how cloudy it is.” Slowly but surely, as you were enjoying some fun in the not-sun, you returned home with the awful feeling that a sunburn was setting in. 

Are You Safe Under Cloudy Skies?

The truth is, we’re still at the mercy of the sun’s rays, even under a cloudy sky. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can penetrate even the thickest of clouds and still reach our skin, causing damage even on a cloudy day. Together, let’s explore why cloudy weather can still be a culprit in our efforts to protect our skin. 

Adobe Stock

The Science Behind UV Rays and Sunburn



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