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Bitter Cold Temperatures and Wintry Precipitation Threatening the Southern U.S.

Alexis Thornton

9 months ago

The coldest temperatures in over a year are set to invade the southern Plains, the Gulf Coast, and the Southeast early week, pairing with wintry precipitation to make for some miserable conditions. Here is what you need to know about the inclement weather pattern.

Frigid Temperatures Will Pair with Shot of Wintry Precipitation

A burst of Arctic air is going to push through the Plains and across the southern U.S. to start the new week, threatening the region's power grid and putting lives in danger. This frigid air will go hand-in-hand with the first shot of snow, freezing rain, and sleet for this part of the county this season.

The atypically cold temperatures are part of the same weather system sent the mercury plummeting throughout much of the rest of the country this past weekend. Potentially record low readings are on tap for parts of the northern U.S. in the next few days.

Bitterly cold temperatures made their way into the southern U.S. by late this past weekend.



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