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cougar attack

8-Year-Old Girl Survives a Cougar Attack While Camping

Alexis Thornton

2 years ago

Imagine a relaxing evening of campfires and s'mores in the beautiful Olympic National Park in Washington. Two hours outside of Seattle, Olympic National Park is home to breath-taking scenery of dramatic mountain peaks, old-growth forests, the popular Mt. Olympus, and of course, wildlife.

While encounters with wildlife is always a risk while camping in secluded areas such as this one, and 8-year-old girl and her mother had no idea how close they would actually get to it.

When Cougars Attack

The cougar is a naturally reclusive predator and is rarely seen by campers, so when a mother and daughter found themselves too close for comfort, it was a huge shock.

The 8-year-old girl was attacked by the cougar and was lucky to escape with only minor injuries. The cougar casually retreated the scene after the mother yelled and screamed at the animal.



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